A Third of Brits Play Games, Says Report


New figures evince that Britain is fast seemly a nation of gamers.

A report released by UK trade brass ELSPA and the ISFE says that 32% of the people in Britain bear dabbled in games at least once in the last six months.

According to the figures, most British gamers child's play for less than an hour a twenty-four hours, but around eight per cent play for more than 16 hours a hebdomad. The Microcomputer was found to follow the most popular platform, with 33% of all game players using information technology. The Wii closely followed with 27% and the Xbox 360 came in third with 9%.

ELSPA Boss Michael Rawlinson credits social games, iPhone titles, and the Wii for the figures: "In the last few years, the development of apparent movement detector technology saw gaming become more available to modern audiences who didn't antecedently connect with the diligence," he said. "With the growth of gaming platforms so much as social networking sites and the iPhone, we are witnessing once again the growth of gaming into young areas of society, truly screening that the UK is a nation of gamers."

32% might not level-headed massive but assign into circumstance, that 32% represents nearly 20 million people who plight with some kind of game on at to the lowest degree a semi-regular cornerston. That's a large and rather impressive number in my book, and a fantastic base for the industry to arise further.

Reservoir: VG247


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/a-third-of-brits-play-games-says-report/

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